Walking acts

In order to draw more attention to our topic, we want to offer our piece not only at theater events (in the classic format) and also as a walking act in culture and environmental events

  • 11, 12 & 13.05.2018 / Hafenfest im Historisches Hafen in Berlin
  • 18 & 19.05.2018 / Karneval der Kulturen in Berlin
  • 03.08.2019 / Wasserfest der Berliner Wasserbetriebe
  • 01.06.2022 / Hospital Medical Center in Goleniów . Poland
  • 19.06.2022 / PerleBÄM street art festival / Perleberg
  • 25.05.2022 / ExtraSchicht, The night of industrial culture / Zollverein, Essen
  • 07.,08. and 09.07.2022 / ViaThea 26th International Street Theater Festival / Görlitz
  • 10.07.2022 / International Street Theater Festival Hoyerswerda
  • 03.09.2022 / Salon K Das Kunst- uns Kultur-Festival im Lettekiez / Berlin
  • 21., 22. and 23.07.2023 / SOMMERWERFT Festival / Frankfurt am Main
  • 25., 26. and 27.08.2023 /STREET THEATER Festival – Picadeiro 8 / Espinho, Portugal
  • 08.03. 2024 PUPPENPARADE ORTENAU / Lahr